Airflows Data Platform
English (Deprecated)
IntroductionFirst stepsAdmin toolData browsingData filteringData viewsData selectionData editionFormsLists of valuesFunctionsSecurityReportsWeb packagesWeb linksAutoMLDashboardsIAMSettingsAdmin tasksAPI referenceHow to'sFAQ


Admin tool

Use the admin tool to manage data from any device (mobile, tablet, or desktop), from anywhere.

Data browsing

Authorized users can browse available data selecting the appropiate entity from the main menu (i.e. "Categories").


Data filtering

Free text filtering

Introduce a search criteria in the free-text search box to filter the information as needed (i.e. "ladies").


Use the following operators to specify a more specific search request in the free-text search box:

OperatorDescriptionExample value
:*Search any term starting with a prefixlad:*
|OR condition. Search results containing some of the terms.ladies
&AND condition. Search results containing all of the & shirts
()Group parts of the expression to give more precedence.(men

Additional basic filters

Use specific criteria to filter the information in a more specific way.


Use the "toggle basic filters" button to show or hide the specific filters panel.


Download data

Use the "download" button to download the information.


Data views

Information can be viewed using several different views.

When multiple views are available, use the "view selection bar" to select the desired view.


Table view

In table view, several fields for each entity are shown.

If the fields exceed the horizontal available space, a horizontal scroll will appear.

Order (sort) the entities in ascending or descending order by clicking the column header.

Click a table row to open the entity detailed view.


Click a document or image thumbnail to open a preview of it.


Calendar view

In calendar view, those entities that have a date or date and time type field, marked as beginning or ending of an event, are shown.

Select different types of calendar (monthly, weekly, and daily).

Click an event on the calendar to open the entity detailed view.


Map view

In map view, those entities that have a point in a plane type field, marked as visible in map, are shown.


In gallery view, those entities that have a document (image) type field marked as visible in gallery, are shown.


Data selection

Select one or more entities using the checkboxes available on the left. Then, click an action on the "actions toolbar" to execute the desired action.


View selected data

Click "view" button to open the entity in "view" mode. This is equivalent to clicking the table row.


View mode

In view mode, fields values cannot be edited.

Click "edit" button to switch to "edit" mode.


Edit selected data

Click "edit" button to open the entity in "edit" mode.


Edit mode

In edit mode, field values can be edited.

Edit the values as needed.

Then, click "save" button to save the changes.


Or click "cancel" button to discard the changes.


Delete selected data

Click "delete" button to delete the selected entities. Note that several entities can be selected at once.


Data edition

Different widget types will be shown to edit the data values depending on the field type.


Selection fields

When changing the value of a field that references to other entity, a selection field will appear and the free-text search mechanism will be used to select the referenced entity.



When the field type is document, there are several actions that can be done on the document.

Preview document

Use "view" button to preview the document using one of several available viewers depending on the document type.

Airflows Airflows

Download document

Use "download" button to download the document.


Delete document

Use "delete" button to delete the document.


Get URL chortcut to share the document

Use "copy short url" to get a direct short url that can be used to access the document directly.



If the field type is barcode, several barcode types can be configured (EAN-13, QR-Code, ...).


Scan a barcode using the available camera in the device.


Barcodes can be used as search filters also.


Tabs & groups of fields

Organize different fields of an entity using tabs and groups.
