Airflows Data Platform
English (Deprecated)
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Advanced users can extend the functionality of the platform writing functions in several supported programming languages.


The following parameters can be defined:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample value
Name of the applicationThe name of the application.Demo
Name of the functionThe name of the function.beforeInsertUpdateCategory
LanguageThe programming langauge in which the function is written.ECMAScript
Function codeThe function code.(See the examples)
CRON expressionThe function will be triggered based on the cron expression.
Enable HTTP endpointIt enables HTTP endpoint to trigger the function.False
DocumentationThe function documentation.
ActionsThe actions that will trigger the function.beforeInsertUpdateCategory

Example: A ECMAScript function:

Airflows Airflows

Example: A PL/pgQL function:

Airflows Airflows

Functions can be triggered by different actions.

The following parameters can be defined:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample value
FormThe form to which the ooperations will be associated.Demo, Category
Name of the actionThe name of the action.beforeInsertUpdateCategory
MomentThe moment in which the function will be executed (i.e. BEFORE, AFTER).BEFORE
EventsThe events to which the action will be associated (i.e. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).INSERT, UPDATE
GranularityThe granularity for which que action will be executed (i.e. ROW, STATEMENT).ROW
FunctionThe function that will be executed.Demo, beforeInsertUpdateCategory
ConditionThe condition that will be met in order to execute the function.


TBW (To be written - incomplete)