Airflows Data Platform
English (Deprecated)
IntroductionFirst stepsAdmin toolFormsLists of valuesFunctionsSecurityReportsWeb packagesWeb linksAutoMLDashboardsIAMSettingsAdmin tasksAPI referenceHow to'sFAQ



Airflows provides the facility to generate customized reports from templates that the user can design in Office (i.e. Word, Excel). The reports can then be filled with data stored on the platform using a GraphQL query.


The following parameters can be configured:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample value
Name of the report templateName of the report.Delivery note
Report templateThe report template (i.e. a LibreOffice Writer or Calc document).
Report generatorsThe generators that will launch the report generation process.(See next chapter)


In order to generate the report, several generators can be added to specify when and with which data the reports will be generated, and where they will be stored.

The following parameters can be configured:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample value
Report templateThe report template that will be used for the generation process.Delivery note
Name of the generatorThe name of the report generator.DeliveryNote
GraphQL queryThe GraphQL query that will be used to fill the template.(See attached example)
Trigger formThe form that will trigger the report generation process when an entity is inserted or updated.Demo, Order
Target attribute to store...The field in which the generated report will be stored.Demo, Order, invoice
Target entity id expressionThe SQL expression that will be used to calculate the target entity id from the entity that triggers the process.SELECT $


Example report:

Airflows Airflows