Airflows Data Platform
English (Deprecated)
IntroductionFirst stepsAdmin toolFormsLists of valuesFunctionsSecurityReportsWeb packagesWeb linksAutoMLDashboardsIAMSettingsAdmin tasksAPI referenceHow to'sFAQ


Web packages

Web applications developed using different web frameworks (i.e. React, Polymer, Angular, Vue) or plain HTML, CSS, JavaScript webs can be deployed into Airflows in order to simplify needed infrastructure.

Package build directory into a zip file and upload to Airlfows. Airflows will seve the website.


The following parameters can be configured:

Parameter nameDescriptionExample value
Name of the web resource packageName of the web package.Web
Web resource packageA zip package containing all the web resources (i.e. HTML, CSS, Javascript files)

Note that the folder structure of the zip file will be mapped directly to root directory of the Airflows instance (i.e. website will be available under https://<your-instance-fqdn>/...).
